Art of Life Coaching With a Difference
I have been “in spiritual enquiry” for a long time, but I was stalled by opinions I had about organised religion, and by the apparent lack of fit between feminism and spirituality. To work out what is authentically Me has taken a lot of deep enquiry, personal growth, and breakdown followed by breakthrough. But this journey of exploration and discovery continues to show me how to align the vital elements of my life on the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical planes, so that the path is now clear and my life purpose becomes more visible with every step.
Iris is a Transpersonal Art Therapist, BA (Theatre Arts), Arts Management (WAAPA)
She works to create Transformation in peoples lives and assists them to open their heart to their purpose and sense of belonging.
She works One-on-One | with Groups | In Person and On-line.
Have you got WAY MORE to express about yourself and contribute to the world? Do you feel there is something bursting in you, ready to be expressed in its full glory, but just a little out of reach? Have you “lost your Self” in your busy life? Are you unsure how to identify your abilities, or […]