Founder of Inspired Results
Justin O’Hehir is the founder of Inspired Results, a business that delivers change in individuals and groups both personally and professionally.
Justin had a humble and at times turbulent upbringing. A family life which saw him care for a schizophrenic mother through his teens, and works through the challenges of a father who flouted the law. Coupled with the challenges of an education system that was not suited to his dynamic outlook on life, most around him that thought that Justin was not destined for much at all.
Justin worked for a time in real estate which took him to Western Australia, where he inadvertently stumbled across NLP. The spark became a flame which was before long a raging fire, fuelled with desire and his caring nature. Justin began using his NLP techniques training through his work as a Business and HR consultant, making massive changes to businesses through leadership programs, training and strategy.
In 2017, Justin founded Inspired Results. This transition has seen him provide high end certified training & coaching and keynote addresses on Leadership, Sales and Communication with a heavy focusing on human behaviours and patterns.
Justin’s knowledge of NLP and Hypnosis and his ability to communicate with people, in their model of the world, has seen him continue to make a total and permanent change in his clients personal and professional lives.
Justin will give a live demonstration for a random attendee at Living Well. See for yourself first hand how this works and how it could work for you!
Why Do People fail to Make Change, and Continue to Live Uninspired Lives? In this interview with Margaret Bryant, , Justin O’Hehir from Inspired Results, will explain the challenges that most people have when attempting to make changes in their lives. Why they get stuck with being average when they have the potential to live […]
Discover the 5 Simple Steps To Achieve Total And Permanent Change and live your Inspired Life NOW! Are you being held back by your own uncertainty, fear of failure, fear of success or just never seem to be ready? Change your mindset and create a roadmap for success! When was the last time you said to yourself, […]