Why Exhibit?

Re-shape your future and change the future of others, showcase your expertise, promote inclusion, embrace acceptance and build community.

Living Well in WA Expo is the only locally promoted and supported expo focused on creating change, raising awareness, and providing conventional and alternative options to Live Well.

Our theme for this year is Dare to Be Different. Our aim is to showcase the brilliance of home grown businesses making a difference in the health and wellness of our community. We aim to break down the stereotypes associated with anxiety, stress and mental health challenges that we all face in the business of our lives, open discussions and showcase healthy and positive alternatives to live well and excel.

Join us and bring your expertise in 

  • Aging Well
  • Living Well
  • Eating Well
  • Creating Well
  • Being Well to Excel

We want you to have a Living Well to Excel experience as an exhibitor, sign up for our free information sessions and low cost workshops which will give you the essential keys to create and thrive during and after the Expo.    

We give you a choice of  booth packages to  suit your  individual budget with opportunities to build your profile and credibility by presenting on the Program , having an article published  in Conscious Living  Magazine or being interviewed on Living Well Radio Our exhibition and sponsorship packages are personalised to meet your individual aims and objectives whether to showcase new products and services, establish and promote a brand or introduce new modalities and programs. 

You will definitely meet your target market of proactive decision-makers and consumers who visit the Expo and participate in the program of seminars, workshops, food demos, yoga and meditation sessions.

 How Your Business Receives Brilliant Exposure 

  • A Display Booth at the Expo with exposure for your brand in a supportive sales and educational environment to over 3,000 visitors who are seeking better health and sustainable lifestyles. 
  •  iLead Collection Service to generate new clients for your business
  • FREE Program Listing of your business and Prizes and Giveaways in the Print Program 15,000 circulated to health food shops, cafes, libraries and practitioner clinics in the Perth Metro area PLUS Online and e Newsletter circulation to 8,000 subscribers.
  • FREE Online Profile Your business is featured  on the Expo Website with a Profile of 300 words with your logo, contact details, links to videos + images
  • FREE Facebook Posts highlighting your products/services/presentations shared with our Social Media Followers and associated Groups – up to 50,000 people 
  • FREE webinars with our marketing experts  and e Book to help you in being successful in engaging with visitors, following up leads and presenting your unique value and benefits.   
  • FREE Inclusion in  Living Well Radio Podcasts about the attractions at the Expo


Build Trust

Customers are getting more and more discerning about which companies they do business with. What better way to communicate your values than by exhibiting at an event that matches theirs? Face to face marketing at an event which has a targeted audience and is educational is much more effective in building trust and establishing long term customers than other forms of advertising such as online, print, radio or tv. 

Meet your Customers

Families  and their children, young adults, seniors and people of all ages and cultures can discover the best of what’s available in Western Australia for health and wellness, food and nutrition, parenting, sustainable living, growth and education and creative arts.

Increase Sales

You’ll have unparalleled in-person access to hundreds of people when you become an integral part of the Living Well in WA festival through engaging with visitors at your own branded booth, presenting on the program of talks, seminars, workshops and experiential sessions, and having your brand and message displayed on the website.

Present a Talk

Tell a whole new audience how much your products and service contribute to the sustainable health and wellness of kids and families and people living in WA. Presenting a talk or giving a workshop or experiential session is the best way to win new clients, build trust and ignite interest in your services .

Collect leads

Want to know your investment in exhibiting is well spent? We offer a data collection service to all our exhibitors making it easy to collect names and contact details to build your list, make comments and follow up after the event. 

Offer a doorprize or giveaway

Offering a prize or giveaway generates goodwill and adds to the joy and fun of our event. Doorprizes are drawn at lunchtime and in the late afternoon on the main stage and all visitors receive an entry ticket into the draw . Your logo and contact details will be featured on the Main Screen and on the website .

How we Attract Visitors

After three decades of successfully publishing Conscious Living Magazine and running Conscious Living Expo we have one of the biggest networks of supporters in Perth. An average of 5,000 visitors regularly attend the Conscious Living Expo and Living Well in WA and our Magazine is circulated to 10,000 readers. As an exhibitor you will have access to our expo visitors, magazine readers and seminar participants, as well as our special brand of social marketing.

We provide free tickets to our exhibitors, affiliate partners and community organisations . The program of free seminars and workshops featuring industry leaders  attracts high quality visitors including consumers, businesses and practitioners. People who are most definitely in your target market. Our ticketed Keynote speaker workshops with industry leaders  bring an audience with a specific interest in nutrition, weight loss and personal growth.

Social Media

Conscious Living has over 7,500 followers on facebook , 1100 on Instagram and over 50 ,000 on our affiliate partners’ social media platforms. We are skilled at engaging and utilizing these channels to bring visitors to our events.

Dedicated Marketing Channels

Because we have the longstanding trust of our community, we have access to valuable marketing channels. In addition to our own database of 8,000 + clients, we partner with other organisations and media such as The Natural Therapy Pages. 

Click here to enquire about  showcasing your business at Living Well in WA or call Patricia on 0418 955 396