Sexy Water

Thank you to  our sponsor, Sexy Water for providing  visitors with complimentary water at the Living Well Expo.

Sexy Water provide Enagic Kangen Water  – quite simply the best Home Water Filter Ionizer System on the market. It produces water that’s so rich in antioxidants it simultaneously helps combat the effects of ageing, stress and inflammation. 
The health benefits of Kangen Water are unrivalled and once you start drinking it you’ll feel so good, there’s no turning back.

We are passionate about helping prevent illness and disease for you and your family via the most important nutrient your body needs…WATER.

We want to continue to help people improve their health and avoid the three common problems today; Dehydration, Acidosis and Inflammation.

“At Sexy Water we believe so strongly in the water filter ionizers we recommend, we offer a 14 day free trial. For a home filtered system that will help create a healthier family for as little as $7 a day for a year, call us today and start reaping the amazing benefits of Kangen Water from the comfort of your own home,” Dave Cottam, co-founder of Sexy Water.

Sexy Water customers say they have never felt better since they bought our home water filters; better energy levels, clearer headed and improved health. Call us today for a commitment free consultation and start enjoying the incredible health benefits provided by Sexy Water.