Parenting Today’s Children – Q&A Discussion Panel

Earth Parenting – Kids Earth Play

Kristi McMullan is our Earth Mother for the duration of the Festival providing children with a space to create and play freely with paints and clay.She will give a talk on Earth Parenting and will be part of the Discussion Panel onParenting Today’s Children on Saturday.

Parenting Today’s Children Discussion Panel

FREE on the Main Stage Saturday 1pm-2pm


Maggie Hamilton Author

Maggie has written two books about What’s Happening to our Girls and Boys . She says: ” While we face many personal and global challenges, it’s important we push aside our fear and uncertainty, and actively envisage the future we dream of for our boys and girls, our families” . See more



David Hobbs -Side Effect

With a young family of his own ,David is very passionate about the mission of Sideffect to educate children and parents about the dangers of synthetic drugs.

See David’s Sessions



Renae Cukrov – Fitness Trainer

Renae is an inspirational example of resilience having overcome bullying and mental illness in her past. Her main purpose in life is to inspire, motivate, encourage and help change the lives of many people drawing upon her personal experiences, knowledge and understanding

See Renae’s Sessions.




Darrell Brown- Author

Darrell is an International Best selling Author and Speaker on fatherhood. His book is Raised by our Childhood Voices. “Fatherhood” and the definition of “masculinity” have become hot topics around the country. Man Up, Don’t Cry … Our boys look to their Dads for guidance on how to behave in the adult world.

See Darrell’s Sessions.

 Kristi McMullan – Earth Parenting

Kristi has raised four children without running water or electricity so that she could gain a deep understanding of ancient ways.while intuiting the wisdom of the Earth mothers. She has many years experience facilitating kids in nature and is currently writing a book on Earth Parenting

See Kristi’s Sessions