The Heart Activation Music is a world first! It is a profound healing modality in the form of sound healing that has over 20 years of personal research. The music contains the energies & consciousness of crystals, light codes, Ascended Masters, Archangels, Deities, Spirit Guides, our beloved Amy North, natural scalar energies and binaural frequencies (binary beats).
What makes the Heart Activation Music extraordinary in the field of sound healing is the incorporation of music with a range of energies & frequencies. The energies and the music take you through a journey of various harmonics and frequencies from the music instruments, sounds of animals and vocals as well as ambient sounds. The energies of the crystals embedded, scalar frequencies & channelled energies are why the Heart Activation Music stands out from all other different types of sound therapy & music therapy created.
Other forms of sound wave therapies focus on brainwave entrainment or releasing of emotional wounds, activation of the heart space using binary frequencies and emotions in sound by using specific chords and all achieve amazing results. Steven North discovered brainwave entrainment technologies in 2006 which is one of the many areas that was researched which led to the creation of the Heart Activation Music.
The Heart Activation Music is also a registered therapy with the Institute of Complementary Therapists (IICT) and is not only used in group sessions and individual sessions performed by Steven & Amy North. It is used by other practitioners around the world to compliment & support their existing modalities/therapies/professional practices.
So amazing is how I would describe the session last night, I love any sound healing, but you can’t just call the beautiful music, the presence of spirit and the magic of Steven channeling the healing from Amy and others, just sound healing! Thankyou young man for being blessed to have been there. – Beverley W
I was blessed to have met Steven North recently and played his Heart Activation Music during one of my Intuitive Reiki Sessions and what we experienced was beautiful. My client was taken on a gentle journey into her own heart which allowed for a gentle transformation. I believe that everyone has within them all they need to experience complete healing, and this music guides my client to find and unlock their inner wisdom, knowledge and resources. Stevens music is gentle, and uplifting and took both myself and my client to an elevated frequency. Thank you for your service to those who are drawn to your hearts work and your generous spirt. I look forward to working more with you in the future. – Lisa Brandis (Intuitive Reiki International)