Yoga For Everyone
Yoga For Everyone

Perth Yoga for Everybody is community organisation of students and teachers who have practiced and facilitated yoga classes together in the outdoor parks and indoor spaces of Perth since 2013.

The social enterprise in funded purely by donations from its members, contributions from its teachers and its commercial yoga activities, allowing the group to deliver affordable yoga and wellness events across Perth that are accessible to everybody.

The community specialises in helping students that are new or returning to yoga and caters to a wider range of bodies and yoga abilities by offering access to a wider variety of yogic practices, teachers, difficulty levels and modified options and injury conscious advice for common yoga poses.

Popular amongst students, workers and retirees, the studio’s classes boast to host a comforting array of diversity amongst the students that come together, each of them able to honour their own space and unique strengths and limitations without the stigma of ego and comparison. The dynamic in the classes is best described as the ‘community feel’.

Our school is open to all members of the public. The most important aspects of yoga that we emphasise is:

  • the importance of breath awareness, in particular the syncronisation of breath to movement;
  • developing a non-violent/non-viscous respect towards one’s self (and body) and your human divinity on and off your mat;
  • yoga as a slow, conscientious, life-long learning tool for personal development and it is ironic that students that embrace and retain the ‘humble learner approach’, get more from their practice and develop the greatest amount in the shotrtest time; and 
  • recognition that people want to practice yoga for different reasons and have different orientations for doing so, all of which are welcomed and nurtured in our classes. Yoga can be a structured discipline, a scientific experiment of experience, a physiological form of exercise, a way to de-stress or become more confident physiologically or a spiritual liberation of energy centres, energy flow and expansion of consciousness.

    The organisation promotes an open door, drop in/drop out policy for travellers and locals that want a place they can explore their body without the aesthetic attachment to an expensive/competitive studio environment. This ensures that students have consistent, reliable events organised at an affordable price, so that people can increase the frequency of the classes they attend.

    By facilitating affordability and accessibility to community yoga events, the organisation serves its overriding social mission “to improve the mobility and vitality of people here in Western Australia.”

    For all class content, timetables, event announcements and updates visit our website, call us or message/share pictures with us online at Instagram or Facebook @perthyoga.