Valentino’s Sanctuary
Valentino’s Sanctuary

The Vision: to bring healing, connection and life synergy to people and horses.

Riana, the visionary and owner of Valentino’s Sanctuary, is a fully qualified and insured EMMETT muscle release therapist for both horses and humans.

Patterning with other practitioners who bring a holistic approach to healing, connection, body movement, nutrition and horsemanship, Valentino’s Sanctuary provides a mind, body, and intuitive energetic connection approach, creating a complete ‘package’ for people and horses.

What’s on offer At Living Well in WA.

  • Bodywork and intuitive energetic facilitated healing (for people);
  • Greater movement and well-being.
  • Pain management and relief.
  • Connection and self-healing.

Opportunities to participate in;

    • Health and Wellness Activation Meditation experiences.
    • Connecting to nature facilitated meditation and health and wellness experiences.
    • Various workshops and experiences to create a healthy, connected life.
    • Special offers for horse and rider assessments and bodywork.

Riana will be partnering with Rochelle who is an energy/intuitive bodyworker and animal communicator, as well as a creative business strategist and author, who has a unique insight into creating and sustaining a connected abundant life.

Follow Valentino’s Sanctuary – Bodywork for Horses and Humans