Orgone Effects Australia
Orgone Effects Australia
Orgone Effects Australia provides professional Geomancy Services for homes, workplaces and schools to clear all types of noxious energy caused by all aspects of building energetics which encompass Geopathic Stress, Electromagnetic Radiation and paranormal activity.

They have a vast knowledge bank of what noxious energies exist in space and how they affect our health, combined with our state-of-the-art harmonizing tools and systems, create clear and healthy work and living spaces that support your health and well-being.

Gerard Bini from Orgone Effects Australia will be in Booth 8 at the Expo.


Testing 5G With The Geoclense Orgone Effects Australia

Orgone Effects conducts testing in the suburb of Dickson, Canberra where 5G is operating, on the effects of 5G on the human body, and tests the effectiveness of the Geoclense to protect against 5G.  …..And it’s a resounding “YES”, the Geoclense provides 100% EMF protection against 5G.  Watch Now..!!

To find out more go to